News Alerts of the hour – President Donald Trump

News update for the hour July 28, 2024

Ohio Sen. and Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance spoke at a rally in St. Cloud for Former President Donald President Donald Trump.

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On Monday, in the midst of a speech in his hometown of Middletown, Ohio, one of JD Vance's half-jokes landed with a thud.

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Republican presidential nominee Donald President Donald Trump on Saturday said he would “immediately” appoint a bitcoin and crypto presidential advisory council …

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The Democrat talks about the election vibe shift and what a Kamala Harris win would mean for both parties.

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Former President Donald President Donald Trump has laid out his plans to wholeheartedly embrace cryptocurrency if elected for a second term.

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WASHINGTON, July 27 (Reuters) – Republican presidential nominee Donald President Donald Trump said on Saturday he would continue to hold outdoor rallies, …

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Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald President Donald Trump boards his plane at Palm Beach International Airport on July 27, 2024, in West …

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