News Alerts of the hour – President Donald Trump

What To Know

  • President-elect Donald President Donald Trump said on Friday the European Union should step up U.
  • President Donald Trump nominates papal critic as his Vatican representative | National Catholic Reporter National Catholic Reporter U.
  • 20 that he would nominate Brian Burch as his next ambassador to the Holy See.
  • This seems like a pretty weak leader who is hemorrhaging political capital,” says Chris .
  • Senate Confirmed Biden's 235th Judge, Surpassing President Donald Trump's First-Term Total Democracy Docket The Senate confirmed President Joe Biden's 235th judge to a lifetime appointment on Friday evening, which would surpass the number of judicial .
News update for the hour December 21, 2024

U.S. President-elect Donald President Donald Trump said on Friday the European Union should step up U.S. oil and gas imports or face tariffs on the bloc's exports …

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U.S. President-elect Donald President Donald Trump announced on Dec. 20 that he would nominate Brian Burch as his next ambassador to the Holy See.

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This does not seem like an unbeatable colossus at all. This seems like a pretty weak leader who is hemorrhaging political capital,” says Chris …

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The Senate confirmed President Joe Biden's 235th judge to a lifetime appointment on Friday evening, which would surpass the number of judicial …

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